Movie Review: Chamber of Horrors

Chamber of Horrors (1940) directed by Norman Lee When Lord Charles Selford dies, he leaves his fortune to his young son John or in the case of John’s death, to his equally young niece June Lansdowne, who lives in Canada. He appoints his friend Silva as guardian for John. However, the Selford family jewels are locked… Continue reading Movie Review: Chamber of Horrors

Book Review: Danger in the Dark

Book Review: Danger in the Dark by L. Ron Hubbard Yes, it’s another of those L. Ron Hubbard reprints; thanks, discount bin! This time, we have three fantasy stories, none of which have anything to do with the cover.  (It’s actually illustrating “Returned from Hell” by Steve Fisher.) “Danger in the Dark” is set in… Continue reading Book Review: Danger in the Dark