Open Post: Rummage Sale Finds

Created for me by Indigo Caldwell; please do not reuse without permission.

Open Post: Rummage Sale Finds

It turns out that with more spare time since I am working at home and not having to spend 3-4 hours a day commuting, I have largely caught up on my backlog of reviews. So, for the first time in several months, it’s time for an open post for you to tell me things!

Created for me by Indigo Caldwell; please do not reuse without permission.

When I’m not reviewing something that was specifically sent to me for review, part of my philosophy for this blog is being like a rummage sale box. Most of you have probably seen such a box at rummage sales, garage sales, jumble sales or other events where people sell their used or no longer wanted items. A box full of old books, cassette tapes, VHS tapes, records, magazines and other media.

There will be the one or two bestseller books that somehow always show up because everyone bought that book back in the day. A few of those classics you read in school, or you were supposed to read. A genre you never read, but you know your aunt likes, maybe you should get this one for her. Children’s books in very bad condition. A few real stinkers, maybe not read past the first chapter. Some books you’ve never heard of and you check the blurb on the back to see if they might be interesting. And if you’re lucky, a book or two that are absolute gems and you can take home!

Of course, I have my preferences, which any of you who’ve been reading my blog for a while can figure out. But I try to read and view a variety of genres and a mix of new and old so these posts aren’t too predictable and to expand my horizons.

So a couple of questions for you readers–what’s something you’ve found at a rummage sale or the like that was really enjoyable or your new favorite? And is there a genre or subgenre or even something particular you’d like to see more reviews of here?

The comment space is open!