Magazine Review: High Adventure #170: Best of Science Fiction Stories

Magazine Review: High Adventure #170: Best of Science Fiction Stories edited by John P. Gunnison This volume of the long-running pulp reprint magazine dips into the pages of Science Fiction and Science Fiction Stories, a magazine that ran from 1939 to 1943 with the last two issues being under the latter name. As so often… Continue reading Magazine Review: High Adventure #170: Best of Science Fiction Stories

Movie Review: One-Eyed Jacks (1961)

Rio talks to the locals.

Movie review: One-Eyed Jacks (1961) directed by Marlon Brando We first see Rio (Marlon Brando) and Dad Longsworth (Karl Malden) in Sonora, Mexico in 1880 when they are robbing a trading post with the aid of a third man. Foolishly, they stop in a town only a few miles away so that Dad and the third… Continue reading Movie Review: One-Eyed Jacks (1961)

Magazine Review: Judge Dredd Megazine #417

Magazine Review: Judge Dredd Megazine #417 edited by Matt Smith I’m pretty sure I’ve mentioned before that Judge Dredd, the breakout character from 2000 AD was so popular that the publishing company spun off a monthly magazine featuring him and his world, which has lasted a remarkably long time. It’s still primarily featuring stories tangentially… Continue reading Magazine Review: Judge Dredd Megazine #417

Anime Review: Beastars

Haru and Legoshi don't seem to be a likely couple.

Anime Review: Beastars Legoshi is tall for his age, even for a gray wolf. He’s got a wiry strength that he attempts to hide behind a timid personality, and although he belongs to the drama club, he’s happy behind the scenes on the art crew. (Legoshi’s specialty is lighting.) But the other students at Cherryton… Continue reading Anime Review: Beastars

Book Review: Growing Up in Tier 3000

Book Review: Growing Up in Tier 3000 by Felix C. Gotschalk Jonas Sum X 37A is five going on six, and has not yet fully committed to murdering his parents. The cute redheaded six year old from next door, Carol III Rex 246A, is getting impatient, as she’s already disposed of her parental figures and… Continue reading Book Review: Growing Up in Tier 3000

Magazine Review: The Shadow #60: Prince of Evil | Messenger of Death | Room 1313

Magazine Review: The Shadow #60: Prince of Evil | Messenger of Death | Room 1313 edited by Anthony Tollin There were multiple authors who operated under the house name Maxwell Grant to write the pulp magazine Shadow stories. This volume of Shadow reprints features three of them and is an interesting study in compare and… Continue reading Magazine Review: The Shadow #60: Prince of Evil | Messenger of Death | Room 1313

Movie Review: Snake Girl and the Silver Haired Witch

The Silver Haired Witch reminds Snake Girl why she's seeking revenge.

Movie Review: Snake Girl and the Silver Haired Witch (1968) directed by Noriaki Yuasa Sayuri (Yachie Matsui) has mostly been okay with living at the Catholic orphanage with the Director nun (Kuniko Miyake) and handsome “big brother” Tatsuya (Sei Hiraizumi). But now she’s been adopted by the Nanjo family, and she’s determined to be a… Continue reading Movie Review: Snake Girl and the Silver Haired Witch

Anime Review: Golden Kamuy

Asirpa and Sugimoto don't understand each other's cultures.

Anime Review: Golden Kamuy Japan may have won the Russo-Japanese War in 1905, but not all of the soldiers came home…not even the living ones. Sugimoto, nicknamed “Immortal Sugimoto” for his ferocity and amazing ability to survive battles and wounds, came home just long enough to learn his best friend’s widow was going blind. He… Continue reading Anime Review: Golden Kamuy

Book Review: The Heritage of the Desert

Book Review: The Heritage of the Desert by Zane Grey John “Jack” Hare may be dying, but he can’t stop noticing how beautiful the sky is here in the Utah Territory desert. Jack’s a “lunger,” sent out West for his health. It helped a bit, but his money ran out and he needed a job.… Continue reading Book Review: The Heritage of the Desert

Manga Review: Primitive Boyfriend Vol. 1

Manga Review: Primitive Boyfriend Vol. 1 by Yoshineko Kitafuku Kamigome Mito is the proverbial farmer’s daughter, with clean-cut good looks and a body made healthy with hard work in the fields. But there’s no traveling salesman in this story. Instead, seventeen year old Mito is attending a high school with a bevy of boys who… Continue reading Manga Review: Primitive Boyfriend Vol. 1