Book Review: They Talked to a Stranger

Book Review: They Talked to a Stranger by Len O’Connor This book is centered around ten interviews with juvenile delinquents by then-radio reporter Len O’Connor in 1950s Chicago.  Each of the boys is identified with a nickname, some their actual nickname, others chosen to protect their identities.    They’re asked how they got into a… Continue reading Book Review: They Talked to a Stranger

Book Review: The Weird Ones

Book Review: The Weird Ones by Frederik Pohl, Poul Anderson, Milton Lesser, Eando Binder, Mack Reynolds, Sam Sackett & L. Sprague de Camp This is an anthology of 1950s science fiction published in 1962.  In the Fifties, SF became more “thinky” than in the pulp era, with an emphasis on the soft sciences like psychology… Continue reading Book Review: The Weird Ones

Book Review: The Cat Sitter’s Cradle

Book Review: The Cat Sitter’s Cradle by Blaize & John Clement Disclosure:  I received this book as part of a Goodreads giveaway on the premise that I would review it.  This is an Advance Reading Copy, so minor changes may be made in the final product. The cover is adorable, a kitten bottle-feeding in a… Continue reading Book Review: The Cat Sitter’s Cradle

Book Review: Koko

Book Review: Koko by Peter Straub Four Vietnam veterans, among the very few remaining from their old unit, meet at the Vietnam War Memorial’s dedication.  One of them has noticed a series of murders that indicate another member of their unit is alive and a serial killer.  He convinces the others to go searching for… Continue reading Book Review: Koko

Book Review: Journeyman Wizard

Book Review: Journeyman Wizard by Mary Francis Zambreno Jermyn Graves is a spellmaker, a rare kind of wizard that can reshape old spells for new purposes, and even create new spells for other wizards to use.  Or rather, he will be once he finishes his journeyman training with the only master spellmaker in the land.… Continue reading Book Review: Journeyman Wizard

Book Review: Warrior of Scorpio

Book Review: Warrior of Scorpio by Alan Burt Akers This is the third in the Prescot of Antares planetary romance series.  For newer readers who might not have seen the term before, a “planetary romance” is a subgenre of science fiction in which an Earthling (or someone of Terran extraction) is transported to and stranded… Continue reading Book Review: Warrior of Scorpio

Book Review: Nick Carter Volume 1

Book Review: Nick Carter Volume 1 Nick Carter, master detective, is a character with a long history, in three distinct phases.  He started in 1886 in stories most associated with the dime novels, was reinvented in 1933 for the pulps, and then again in 1964 as “Nick Carter Killmaster” for a long running series of… Continue reading Book Review: Nick Carter Volume 1

Book Review: Some Kind of Peace

Book Review: Some Kind of Peace by Camilla Grebe & Asa Traff Disclosure:  I received this book as a Goodreads giveaway on the premise that I would review it.   Siri Bergman is a Stockholm psychologist who is suffering from the loss of her husband, their unborn child and a crippling fear of darkness.  So… Continue reading Book Review: Some Kind of Peace

Book Review: Every Hill and Mountain

Book Review: Every Hill and Mountain by Deborah Heal Disclaimer:  I received this book in a Goodreads giveaway in the expectation that I would review it.  This review will contain heavy spoilers. This is the third in a trilogy about Abby Thomas, a denominational college student on a summer service project to be a tutor to… Continue reading Book Review: Every Hill and Mountain