Book Review: A Planet of Your Own/The Beasts of Kohl

Book Review: A Planet of Your Own/The Beasts of Kohl Back in the day, science fiction and fantasy novels tended to be much shorter than they are now.  In some cases, so short that they didn’t make a decent-sized paperback.  So Ace Books came up with the Ace Double, two novels (or short story collections)… Continue reading Book Review: A Planet of Your Own/The Beasts of Kohl

TV Review: The Adventures of Jim Bowie

TV Review: The Adventures of Jim Bowie I watched several episodes of this 1950s television show via a Mill Creek DVD.  As you might have guessed, this series is a heavily fictionalized story about the famous land speculator and knife fighter, Jim Bowie, popularizer of the blade that bears his name. The series is primarily… Continue reading TV Review: The Adventures of Jim Bowie

Manga Review: Ninja Papa

Manga Review: Ninja Papa by Yasuhito Yamamoto. Nobuo Matsuri is a typical Japanese salaryman (office worker.)  At thirty-two, he’s got a low-paying dead-end job at a second-rate food company, an incompetent boss who treats him like dirt, a heavily-mortgaged home and a nagging mother-in-law who never hesitates to point out all the many ways in… Continue reading Manga Review: Ninja Papa

Manga Review: Shonen Jump Alpha

Manga Review: Shonen Jump Alpha Let’s start with something hefty, shall we?  Shounen Jump is the #1 manga anthology magazine in Japan, selling in the millions of copies.  Its emphasis on the themes of “friendship, struggle, victory!” have made it a favorite of both its primary demographic of teenage boys (“shounen”) and the general public.… Continue reading Manga Review: Shonen Jump Alpha

Hello world!

Greetings, citizens of the internet! This blog is primarily for book and pop culture reviews.  I may post some fanfic from time to time as well.   Please stand by for more excitement! Related posts: Book Review: George W. Hamilton, USMC: America’s Greatest World War I Hero Comic Book Review: World of the Dragonlords Book… Continue reading Hello world!