Book Review: Frank Merriwell’s School Days

Book Review: Frank Merriwell’s School Days by Burt L. Standish This is the first of the long-running and once-famous Frank Merriwell series of exciting books for teenaged boys. These were written by Gilbert Patten under the pen name of Standish, and the first few volumes are actually compilations of stories originally published in Tip-Top Weekly,… Continue reading Book Review: Frank Merriwell’s School Days

Comic Book Review: Enemies

Comic Book Review: Enemies by Svetlana Chmakova Felicity Teale is one of many ordinary students at Berrybrook Middle School, but this time it’s her turn to be in the spotlight. “‘City” likes doing art and playing video games (the hot one right now is Skore) and is decent in Spanish class, but she has a… Continue reading Comic Book Review: Enemies

Manga Review: Kimi ni Todoke Vol. 2

Manga Review: Kimi ni Todoke Vol. 2 by Karuho Shiina Sawako Kuronuma is a victim of pop culture. With her pale skin, long straight black hair in a particular style, and an inability to put on a fake smile (it just looks creepy), Sawako bears a passing resemblance to Sadako, the scary ghost girl from… Continue reading Manga Review: Kimi ni Todoke Vol. 2

Anime Review: The Human Crazy University

Kito picks an odd moment to be philosophical.

Anime Review: The Human Crazy University Hirofumi Satake is an ordinary, run-of-the-mill death row inmate, convicted of the murder and cremating of his fiancĂ©e Chie Negishi and the man she was supposedly cheating with. Before he became a criminal, Hirofumi worked for a trading company, traveling all over the world, and fluent in several languages.… Continue reading Anime Review: The Human Crazy University

Book Review: The Book of Cthulhu II

Book Review: The Book of Cthulhu II edited by Ross E. Lockhart It’s spooky stuff month again, so I sat down with this thick volume (24 stories) of tales inspired by the works of H.P. Lovecraft for a couple of weeks. This is a sequel to The Book of Cthulhu that I reviewed earlier on… Continue reading Book Review: The Book of Cthulhu II

Manga Review: Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon Naoko Takeuchi Collection 1

Manga Review: Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon Naoko Takeuchi Collection 1 by Naoko Takeuchi Usagi Tsukino is a more or less typical fourteen-year-old girl. She likes food, video games, and sleeping, and dislikes homework and tests. She’s clumsy and a bit of a crybaby, but has a good heart and a kind streak. Also, she has… Continue reading Manga Review: Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon Naoko Takeuchi Collection 1

Book Review: Envy and the Geek

Book Review: Envy and the Geek by Natalie Falkenwrath “Hey, so there was this really cool show, High School Bites, about teen vampires, ten years, maybe it was fifteen years ago? Man, I’m getting old. Anyhow, it was one of those teen dramas on the CW or the WB, doubt it was the Disney Channel.… Continue reading Book Review: Envy and the Geek

Manga Review: My Dress-Up Darling 1

Manga Review: My Dress-Up Darling 1 by Shinichi Fukuda Marin Kitagawa is a fashionable, outgoing girl who enjoys eroge (naughty video games) and would like to cosplay as her favorite character, Shizuku. The problem is that she’s never learned to sew, and even with an instruction manual, her costume is disastrously bad. She comes to… Continue reading Manga Review: My Dress-Up Darling 1

Comic Book Review: Metropolis Grove

Comic Book Review: Metropolis Grove by Drew Brockington Sonia grew up in the city of Metropolis, famous for the superhero Superman. She’s a huge fan, and even saw him fly by once. Her family relocates to the sleepy suburb of Metropolis Grove on the first day of summer vacation. There she meets Alexis “call me… Continue reading Comic Book Review: Metropolis Grove

Manga Review: Magu-chan: God of Destruction

Manga Review: Magu-chan: God of Destruction by Kei Kamiki In a sleepy seaside village in Japan lives a middle-school girl named Ruru Miyanagi. Her father passed away some years ago, and her mother is working overseas, so Ruru is taking care of herself and money is tight. When she finds an unusual crystal on the… Continue reading Manga Review: Magu-chan: God of Destruction