Book Review: Zorro

Book Review: Zorro by Isabel Allende Johnston McCulley wrote the first Zorro story, “The Curse of Capistrano” way back in 1919.  Set in Spanish California, it told the tale of Don Diego (de la) Vega, a foppish young nobleman who in secret was Zorro, the fox, masked protector of justice.  It was a modest success,… Continue reading Book Review: Zorro

Book Review: The Devil–With Wings

Book Review: The Devil–With Wings by L. Ron Hubbard Full Disclosure: I received this book from a Goodreads giveaway in the expectation that I would review it. Presumably this was influenced by my review of an earlier book in the series, “If I Were You.” This volume is part of the “Golden Age Stories” reprints… Continue reading Book Review: The Devil–With Wings

Book Review: If I Were You

Book Review: If I Were You by L. Ron Hubbard Before L. Ron Hubbard got involved in…you know, he was a middling-good and prolific pulp author. The Golden Age Stories line is reprinting many of his stories in attractively designed paperbacks. This volume contains two short stories, , a preview of another, a glossary (really… Continue reading Book Review: If I Were You

Book Review: The Avenger #7 (Murder On Wheels, The Three Gold Crowns and Death To the Avenger)

Book Review: The Avenger #7 (Murder On Wheels, The Three Gold Crowns and Death To the Avenger) The Avenger is one of the classic hero pulp characters, a man so strongly affected by a horrific crime that all color drained from his skin and hair, and his face became frozen.  Determined that no one else… Continue reading Book Review: The Avenger #7 (Murder On Wheels, The Three Gold Crowns and Death To the Avenger)