Comic Book Review: Yokaiden 1

Comic Book Review: Yokaiden 1 by Nina Matsumoto Shamoji Village is way out in the boonies of Japan. It’s said that there is a portal to the yokai realm in the nearby forest, and certainly the area has more than the usual number of those mysterious creatures. Most of the villagers are afraid of the… Continue reading Comic Book Review: Yokaiden 1

TV Review: Seven Swordsmen

Master Shadowglow sets some high expectations.

TV Review: Seven Swordsmen aka “Seven Swords Descend from Mount Heaven” In 17th Century China, the Qing Dynasty now rules where once the Ming Dynasty did. Many Han resent their new Manchu overlords and pockets of rebellion are everywhere. To help quell the resistance, the Qing have banned the practice of martial arts by ordinary… Continue reading TV Review: Seven Swordsmen

Manga Review: Dr. Stone

Manga Review: Dr. Stone written by Riichiro Inagaki, art by Boichi It is 2019, and young lug Taiju Ooku is finally going to confess his love to his crush, Yuzuriha Ogawa (who it’s hinted likes him back.) Taiju’s encouraged by his best buddy, science whiz Senku Ishigami, but Senku’s attention is drawn to the puzzle… Continue reading Manga Review: Dr. Stone

Movie Review: The Man with the Iron Fists

The Blacksmith checks out his new fists.

Movie Review: The Man with the Iron Fists (2012) directed by RZA Jungle Village is a lawless town, inhabited by various clans (most named after animals) that engage in frequent turf wars. The Blacksmith (RZA) is one of the few important neutral parties. He uses his skills to make superior weaponry for anyone who can pay… Continue reading Movie Review: The Man with the Iron Fists

Book Review: Jamaica Inn

Book Review: Jamaica Inn by Daphne du Maurier Mary Yellan grew up on a farm near Helford in Cornwall. Her father died when she was very young, so Mary worked hard with her mother to keep the tiny place going. Hard times came and wiped out their livestock, and Mary’s mother’s heart gave out. The… Continue reading Book Review: Jamaica Inn

Book Review: Gabriel’s Road

Book Review: Gabriel’s Road by Laura Anne Gilman Gabriel Kasun was born in the Territory, gifted with the Touch in the form of water-sense. Not fully understanding what this meant, he went East and became a lawyer for a time, only to increasingly grow ill as the Territory called him back. Not content to settle,… Continue reading Book Review: Gabriel’s Road

Manga Review: Orient #1

Manga Review: Orient #1 by Shinobu Ohtaka 150 years ago, the Land of the Setting Sun was run by samurai warlords who oppressed the peasants and ruined the land in constant fighting. Then the gods arrived and defeated the samurai. Now the gods rule the land and have brought peace and prosperity. Or at least… Continue reading Manga Review: Orient #1

Manga Review: Dr. Slump Volume 6

Manga Review: Dr. Slump Volume 6 by Akira Toriyama Dr. Senbei Norimaki is an eccentric inventor who lives in the isolated Penguin Village. Because his machines are often defective or goofy-looking, he has the nickname Dr. Slump. One day, he decides to create a robot girl, which he names Arale. She’s remarkably human-looking (and needs… Continue reading Manga Review: Dr. Slump Volume 6

Webtoon Review: Castlevania Season Four

Putting the band back together.

Webtoon Review: Castlevania Season Four Warning: The following contains SPOILERS for the first three seasons of Castlevania. You may want to check out my earlier review first if you haven’t seen the show. On an alternate Earth where vampires are very real, Trevor Belmont is the last known living member of the monster-hunting Belmont family.… Continue reading Webtoon Review: Castlevania Season Four

Manga Review: Basara Vol. 1

Manga Review: Basara, Vol. 1 by Yumi Tamura In the early 21st Century, a disaster befell the Earth, drastically altering its climate and causing Japan’s civilization to crumble. But that was in the distant past, and the islands have become united again under a feudalistic society ruled by the Golden King. Fearful of being overthrown… Continue reading Manga Review: Basara Vol. 1