Manga Review: Magu-chan: God of Destruction

Manga Review: Magu-chan: God of Destruction by Kei Kamiki In a sleepy seaside village in Japan lives a middle-school girl named Ruru Miyanagi. Her father passed away some years ago, and her mother is working overseas, so Ruru is taking care of herself and money is tight. When she finds an unusual crystal on the… Continue reading Manga Review: Magu-chan: God of Destruction

Manga Review: Skull-Face Bookseller Honda-san 1

Manga Review: Skull-Face Bookseller Honda-san 1 by Honda Working retail can be a funny business, especially if you work in a popular bookstore. Or so claims Honda, the star and creator of this autobiographical manga. The “hon” in the name is written with the kanji (ideograph) for “book” but can also mean “bone”, so the… Continue reading Manga Review: Skull-Face Bookseller Honda-san 1

Manga Review: Azumanga Daioh Vol. 1

Manga Review: Azumanga Daioh Vol. 1 by Kiyohiko Azuma It is spring of the year 2000, and the Japanese school year is beginning. There’s always some confusion on the first day back, and teacher Yukari Tanizaki winds up trying to introduce herself to the wrong home room! Once that’s sorted out, it’s time to meet… Continue reading Manga Review: Azumanga Daioh Vol. 1

Manga Review: Chi’s Sweet Home Volume 1

Manga Review: Chi’s Sweet Home Volume 1 by Konami Kanata Life is tough on the streets, even if you’re a cat. So young kitten Chi’s existence could have been cut short when she got separated from her mother due to distraction. Fortunately, Chi is soon found by the Yamada family. Papa, Mama and toddler Yohei… Continue reading Manga Review: Chi’s Sweet Home Volume 1

Anime Review: Skull-Face Bookseller Honda-san

Another busy day at the bookstore!

Anime Review: Skull-Face Bookseller Honda-san What sort of person do you think makes a good bookstore employee? If you’re thinking, “a kind-hearted, busty young woman who is really good-looking when she takes off her glasses and lets her hair down,” this probably isn’t the show for you. Honda is a mild-mannered fellow who’s hard-working, knowledgeable about the selection, is… Continue reading Anime Review: Skull-Face Bookseller Honda-san

Manga Review: Comic Party Vol. 5

Manga Review: Comic Party Vol. 5 by Sekihiko Inui Note:  This review contains SPOILERS for earlier volumes and the video game. Kazuki Sendō is a mediocre college student who is somewhat adrift in life as his talent was deemed insufficient to qualify for art school.  His buddy Taishi Kuhonbutsu invites Kazuki to come along to… Continue reading Manga Review: Comic Party Vol. 5

Book Review: The Physics of Everyday Things

Book Review: The Physics of Everyday Things by James Kakalios Disclaimer:  I received an uncorrected proof of this book for the purpose of writing this review.   No other compensation was offered or requested.  The final product,  due out May 2017, will have some changes, including a full index. Today is no ordinary day.  While… Continue reading Book Review: The Physics of Everyday Things

Open Thread: Webcomics You Might Enjoy

Open Thread: Webcomics You Might Enjoy Over the holiday weekend, I went to ConVergence 2016 in Bloomington, a yearly science fiction convention.  One of the panels I was on was “Web Comics”, during which we discussed many webcomics that panelists and audience members have enjoyed.  As promised, here’s a list combining the handout by Kathryn… Continue reading Open Thread: Webcomics You Might Enjoy

Anime Review: I Can’t Understand What My Husband Is Saying

Anime Review: I Can’t Understand What My Husband Is Saying Kaoru is a typical office worker in her mid-twenties who by chance meets, falls in love with, and marries Hajime, who is slightly younger than her and a dedicated otaku (A person who is a big fan of a particular esoteric subject and has poor social… Continue reading Anime Review: I Can’t Understand What My Husband Is Saying

Anime for Speculative Fiction Fans

Wolf Children

This last weekend at Minicon 49, I moderated a panel on “Anime for Speculative Fiction Fans.”   As is common at this sort of thing, a lot of series and films were mentioned very briefly, and not everyone had the opportunity to write them all down.  Therefore, I promised to put up a list.  I… Continue reading Anime for Speculative Fiction Fans