Manga Review: Skull-Face Bookseller Honda-san 1

Manga Review: Skull-Face Bookseller Honda-san 1 by Honda Working retail can be a funny business, especially if you work in a popular bookstore. Or so claims Honda, the star and creator of this autobiographical manga. The “hon” in the name is written with the kanji (ideograph) for “book” but can also mean “bone”, so the… Continue reading Manga Review: Skull-Face Bookseller Honda-san 1

Comic Book Review: Dry County

Comic Book Review: Dry County by Rich Tommaso After six months in Miami, cartoonist Lou Rossi is finding he’s not cut out for the night club lifestyle, no matter how often he goes. Tonight, he’s going to do laundry instead. At the laundromat, he meets an attractive woman named Janet Laughton, and they hit it… Continue reading Comic Book Review: Dry County

Anime Review: Skull-Face Bookseller Honda-san

Another busy day at the bookstore!

Anime Review: Skull-Face Bookseller Honda-san What sort of person do you think makes a good bookstore employee? If you’re thinking, “a kind-hearted, busty young woman who is really good-looking when she takes off her glasses and lets her hair down,” this probably isn’t the show for you. Honda is a mild-mannered fellow who’s hard-working, knowledgeable about the selection, is… Continue reading Anime Review: Skull-Face Bookseller Honda-san