Movie Review: Desk Set

Richard and Bunny enjoy a late dinner.

Movie Review: Desk Set (1957) directed by Walter Lang (aka “His Other Woman”) Back in 1957, if you needed the answer to a question, you couldn’t just go on the internet. You had to look in a book, or ask another human being to look for you. That’s the job of the four women in the… Continue reading Movie Review: Desk Set

Movie Review: Champagne

Our heroine fresh from crashing a plane.

Movie Review: Champagne (1928) directed by Alfred Hitchcock The Girl (Betty Balfour) is a spoiled heiress who is in love with The Boy (Jean Bradin.) The Father (Gordon Harker) thinks the boy is a “cake hound” who is after the family money, so has forbidden the girl to see him. The girl promptly hired a plane… Continue reading Movie Review: Champagne