Manga Review: Orochi: The Perfect Edition 2

Manga Review: Orochi: The Perfect Edition 2 by Kazuo Umezz Quick recap: Orochi is a seemingly immortal being in the shape of a young woman who can pass anywhere from high school to college age. While her name evokes the eight-headed serpent of Japanese folklore, Orochi does not appear to be of ill intent. She’s… Continue reading Manga Review: Orochi: The Perfect Edition 2

Book Review: The Book of Poul Anderson

Book Review: The Book of Poul Anderson edited by Roger Elwood Poul Anderson (1926-2001) was an influential American science fiction author, first published in 1947 and winning seven Hugos and three Nebulas for his work. By the 1970s, he was well enough known, and had a large enough body of short fiction, that DAW Books… Continue reading Book Review: The Book of Poul Anderson