Movie Review: Metropolis (1927)

The machinery of Metropolis takes on a more sinister appearance once Freder sees the human cost.

Movie Review: Metropolis (1927) directed by Fritz Lang Metropolis is the city of the future; brightly lit skyscrapers connected by sky highways, and grand gardens where the children of the elite play. Metropolis is the city of the future; workers spend half their days working at dangerous machines they do not fully understand the function of,… Continue reading Movie Review: Metropolis (1927)

Manga Review: Mobile Suit Gundam Thunderbolt 1

Manga Review: Mobile Suit Gundam Thunderbolt 1 by Yasuo Ohtagaki The time is Universal Century year 0079.  The place is Thunderbolt Sector, formerly the orbital space colony Side 4 before it was destroyed in a battle between the Principality of Zeon and the Earth Federation.  Now this sector is heavily littered with debris, and afflicted… Continue reading Manga Review: Mobile Suit Gundam Thunderbolt 1

Anime Review: The Rose of Versailles

Anime Review: The Rose of Versailles In the Year of Our Lord 1770, Empress Maria Theresa of Austria and King Louis XV of France decided to seal an alliance between their countries with a political marriage.  Thus it was that Louis-Auguste (later Louis XVI) and Marie Antoinette were married.  So it was in our world… Continue reading Anime Review: The Rose of Versailles

Book Review: Empire of Sin

Book Review: Empire of Sin by Gary Krist A criminal called “the Axman” opens this story, and after a thirty-year flashback through New Orleans history, wraps it up as well.  No one is sure who the Axman actually was, how many of the crimes attributed to him he actually did, or his final fate.  Rather… Continue reading Book Review: Empire of Sin