Movie Review: Pan’s Labyrinth

Ofelia descends into the heart of the labyrinth.

Movie Review: Pan’s Labyrinth (2006) directed by Guillermo del Toro (aka “El Labarinto del Fauno”} It is 1944, and elsewhere in Europe, the Allied troops recently landed in France on D-Day. But here in a remote mountainous region of Spain, Captain Vidal (Sergi López) and his men are hunting down the remnants of the Republicans who… Continue reading Movie Review: Pan’s Labyrinth

Movie Review: Beyond Obsession (1982)

Nina and Matthew share a smoke.

Movie Review: Beyond Obsession (1982) directed by Liliana Cavani aka “Beyond the Door” Matthew Jackson (Tom Berenger), an American oil worker in Morocco, takes a trip to Marrakesh. At a boring sex show, he meets an Italian woman, Nina (Eleanora Giorgi). She takes him to a slightly more exciting brothel, gets Matthew high, and hooks him… Continue reading Movie Review: Beyond Obsession (1982)

Book Review: Swords for Charlemagne

Book Review: Swords for Charlemagne by Mario Pei For seven long years, brother knights Thierry and Huon of Anjou have served their liege lord Roland of Brittany in Emperor Charlemagne’s war to free Spain of Islamic rule. They are proud to have done their bit for chivalry and Christendom. Now, only one Moslem stronghold remains,… Continue reading Book Review: Swords for Charlemagne

Book Review: Fresh Fear

Book Review: Fresh Fear edited by William Cook Horror anthologies are like a box of chocolates.  One story might be crunchy frog, another spring surprise, while a more disappointing one is just maple cream.  (Seriously, maple cream?)  This is because horror tends to be a balancing act between what the writer finds scary and what… Continue reading Book Review: Fresh Fear

Book Review: Battling the Clouds

Book Review: Battling the Clouds by Captain Frank Cobb It is shortly after World War One, and two boys, both sons of majors, have come to be stationed at Fort Sill, Oklahoma. Frank Anderson’s father is in Aviation, while Bill Sherman’s stepfather is a teacher at the School of Fire (Artillery.)  Bill is new to… Continue reading Book Review: Battling the Clouds